Victoria Global University, Ltd, is chartered by the Government of, Turks & Caicos, to seek international accreditation and to offer the highest quality degree and certificate programs. Victoria Global University’s Memorandum of Association authorizes Victoria Global University to function in its pure format (see manifesto) and to pursue international recognition. Victoria Global University is legally enabled to confer Associate, Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees on all students who have met the graduation requirements of the university. The University is not listed with any accreditation association or agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.

Victoria Global University College is fully accredited by International Association for Medical Education
Degree Recognition
In almost every country in the world colleges are recognized and licensed by a Nation’s Ministry of Education. VGU is chartered to award degrees by the government of Turks & Caicios, which is part of the British Commonwealth. The United States does not have a Federal Ministry of Education. However, for a nominal fee, there is a service available to United States of America students that attend Victoria Global University You may use the following to obtain a certificate that will evaluate. Transferring Credits to Victoria Global University
Only in very special circumstances credits can be transferred into the program. However, if you have read materials that are part of the curriculum, you will find that the process will move quickly. If you make a serious commitment, the program may be completed in a very reasonable timeframe. Usually, it will take 18 to 32 months to complete the BA program, 8 to 19 months for the MBA (Mkt), and 16 to 36 months to finish the Ph.D program.

Ph.D & D.Sc are available in every specialization of Medical Science/ Dental Science.