The National Board of Examinations was established with the prime objective of improving the quality of the Medical Education by elevating the level and establishing standards of post graduate examinations in modern medicine around the Globe. There are several Medical Colleges in the world and in addition to Postgraduate teaching institutions , there are 10000 accredited institutions imparting training in various Broad and Super specialities for the award of postgraduate qualification in Broad and super specialities. The Board at present conducts postgraduate and postdoctoral examinations in 54 disciplines approved by the Board for the award of Diplomate of National Board. The Medical Councils of respective countries had laid down standards for post graduate examinations conducted by various medical colleges and affiliated to concerned universities and other institutions, yet the levels of proficiency and standards of evaluation vary considerably in these institutions. The setting up of a National Body to conduct post graduate medical examination was intended to provide a common standard and mechanism of evaluation of minimum level of attainment of the objective for which post graduate courses were started in medical institutions. Moreover, intra country and international comparison is facilitated with the availability of commonly accepted evaluation mechanism.
The postgraduate degree awarded by the National Board of Examinations is called theĀ Diplomate of National BoardĀ (DNB).
The postgraduate degree awarded by the National Board of Examinations is called theĀ Diplomate of National BoardĀ (DNB).

Ph.D & D.Sc are available in every specialization of Medical Science/ Dental Science.