Ph.D & D.Sc is available in all the specialties of Medical Science.
A high academic post graduate certificate in medicine/surgery, the Doctor of Medicine/Surgery is designed to give formal public recognition to scholars/ practitioners who have made substantial, original and outstanding contributions to medical science as evidenced by their experience/published work.
The MD/MS is a higher doctorate gained by the compilation of published research work on a coherent theme and is judged by national and international peers. It must demonstrate the candidate's authoritative standing in the field and achievements in the advancement of knowledge.
Presently PG Certificate is available in the following specializations:
Victoria Global University's DM certification program is a part of the post-graduate CME activity. This certification is part of an endeavor to facilitate a hybrid mix of distance-learning combined with high quality contact programs/based on experience & research for surgeons throughout the world, helping make the pursuit of lifelong learning accessible and affordable.
VGU conducts post-graduate MD for candidates fulfilling the criteria towards this course and examination requirements. This foray in the DM certification program will fill a void for candidates wishing to validate their super specialty experience or undertake a specialized course of study or for physicians wishing to refresh and update their knowledge in a programmed manner.
We currently offer the following enriched, comprehensive, inter active and research based DM course:
M.Ch (Magister Chirurgie) Victoria Global University's M.Ch certification program is a part of the post-graduate CME activity. This certification is part of an endeavor to facilitate a hybrid mix of distance-learning combined with high quality contact programs/based on experience & research for surgeons throughout the world, helping make the pursuit of lifelong learning accessible and affordable. Our aim and vision is to optimize patient care. To this end, this program is designed to provide the most up to date information and strategies for surgeons to be provided, encouraged and tested for delivering and encouraging the practice of evidence based medicine.
We currently offer the following enriched, comprehensive, inter active and research based M.Ch course:
1. Child Health
2. Dermatology
3. Diabetology
4. Rhematology
5. Immunology
6. Tuberculoses & Chest Disease
7. Paediatics
8. Aviation Medicine
This program is designed for all members of the multidisciplinary team working in Paediatrics, including experienced nurses at Band 6 and higher and medical trainees who are post MRCPCH, or are experienced clinical fellows with middle grade experience but not full membership. Overseas applicants are encouraged to apply. This program is suitable for aspiring clinical leaders and researchers in Paediatrics.
Core Modules
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation.
Equips students with an interest in health & social care with the knowledge and high-level analytical skills needed to critically assess research evidence and practice for delivery of dementia care.
The MSc Advanced Care in Dementia aims to develop practitioners with the knowledge base, abilities and competencies, which will enable them to deliver high quality patient and client care. In completing the program students will be able to: 1) Advance practice within a framework of governance. 2) Evaluate and implement evidence-based practice, identifying where further research is needed. 3) Critically evaluate approaches and methods to assess and manage complex and unpredictable situations, utilizing relevant theory. This program is will be of interest to anyone wishing to begin or advance a career in dementia care and is particularly suitable for nurses, physiotherapists, managers & supervisors, doctors (including general practitioners), social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech & language therapists and physiotherapists.
Learning will be through five compulsory taught modules consisting of tutorials, workshops & e-learning and a dissertation based on a research project. Students will learn how to identify and critically evaluate the growing body of research evidence to inform and develop best dementia care practice using a person-centred approach.
Students will gain practical and theoretical experience in a wide spectrum of research methodologies and learn to critically analyse and reflect on evidence relevant to dementia care. Graduates will develop skills to manage and deliver research independently in a clinical setting and to identify and implement changes based on research evidence within a clinical setting.
Core program content
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation.
This MSc is specifically aimed at those pursuing a professional career in neuroimaging, either in clinical practice or in neuroscience research. This multi-disciplinary program provides training in both the basic scientific and technological principles of modern neuroimaging methods, and in their application to the understanding of neurological function and neurological disorders.
Students will develop a good basic knowledge of neuroanatomy, understands the principles and main technical aspects of neuroimaging instrumentation and data acquisition, basic image processing and image analysis techniques, and gain a good working knowledge of modern methods of scientific and clinical investigation of the human nervous system using neuroimaging.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation.
Cardiovascular diseases remain a major cause of death and ill health worldwide. This new MSc, taught by scientists and clinicians who are leaders in their field, offers students the opportunity to learn about topical areas in cardiovascular science, preparing them for further research or a career in industry.
Students will develop a detailed knowledge of molecular and cellular cardiovascular science, animal models of cardiovascular disease, microvascular biology and the mechanism by the heart and vasculature function in health and disease, as well as the statistical methodology. They gain valuable research skills and an awareness of the ethical, legal and social aspects of developments in cardiovascular disease.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation.
This program offers the opportunity to obtain clinical competence in history taking/examination, diagnosis, investigation and formulation of management plan and therapeutics in common neurological areas/disorders. Students gain a working knowledge of the scientific basis of common neurological disorders/areas and awareness of major recent research developments in this field.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
This MSc provides specialised training in the basic scientific principles of modern neuroscience and in the application of these principles to the understanding of a wide variety of neurological disorders. Neuroscience includes any or all of the sciences dealing with the structure and function of the nervous system and brain.
Participants gain knowledge of the clinical features and scientific basis of the following: genetics of CNS disorders; brain metabolism, neurotransmitters and neurodegeneration; autoimmune disease and repair mechanism; peripheral nerve and muscle; epilepsy, nociception and pain; motor control; basal ganglia/movement disorders; hearing, balance, vision and eye-movements; stroke and head injury; cognition and dementia.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
This MSc offers the highest-quality clinical ophthalmic teaching to compliment ST1/ST2 training. The programme provides targeted teaching to meet the requirements of the Royal College's FRCOphth Part 1 and Refraction Certificate, and accommodates the demanding clinical timetables of ophthalmic professionals through a flexible program of study.
The program enhances knowledge of common ocular disease, ophthalmic surgical and laser procedures, clinical anatomy and ocular therapeutics. Students develop analytical skills for solving clinical case problems and the critical evaluation of published research, and gain valuable research experience through the opportunity to undertake a clinical- library based dissertation.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
For Medica professionals working with patients who have diabetes mellitus either in specialist or primary care settings to gain the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective care.
This master's in Advanced Practice aims to equip all health professionals working with patients who have diabetes mellitus either in specialist or primary care settings with the knowledge and skills they need to provide effective care.
DESCRIPTION This pathway is designed to equip all health professionals working with patients who have diabetes mellitus either in specialist or primary care settings with the knowledge and skills they need to provide effective care. The pathway will also provide training in research methods and the methods of evidence-based healthcare. Through this training you will produce a systematic review of a diabetes specific topic and undertake a substantial research or service development project relevant to your own area of practice. The pathway contains the specific modules.
Alternatively students may choose for their dissertation to undertake an in depth analysis of an area of policy or practice or to prepare three papers for publication.
Indicative non-core content
Students take optional modules that include
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
The aim of the Master's in Aviation Medicine is to provide physicians with comprehensive theoretical and practical instruction in advanced aviation physiology, psychology, pathology, clinical and operational aviation medicine and the knowledge and skills required to conduct research in the topic.
The aim of this MSc is to provide physicians with comprehensive theoretical and practical instruction in advanced aviation physiology, psychology, pathology, clinical and operational aviation medicine and the knowledge and skills required to conduct research in the topic.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
For radiographers, doctors, midwives, scientists and others wish to practice clinical ultrasound within their professional roles. Lectures are in block release, in conjunction with compulsory clinical placements. Underlying theory is integrated with practice ensuring performance of diagnostic ultrasound examinations (O&G; General Medical; Vascular; a student Negotiated topic) in accordance with accepted good practice.
This Ultrasound program is for radiographers, doctors, midwives, clinical scientists and other professionals wishing to practice clinical ultrasound. The program provides knowledge to enable integration of theoretical concepts with ultrasound proficiency.
The CASE accredited program facilitates the acquisition of the skills necessary for the use of ultrasound imaging in clinical practice. The development of clinical proficiency is therefore an integral part of the course.
Through an introduction to the physics, equipment, safety and relevant professional issues alongside clinical modules, students have the opportunity to understand current techniques and acquire proficiency in medical ultrasound. The clinical modules chosen may be obstetrics and gynaecology ultrasound, general medical ultrasound or vascular ultrasound. An individually negotiated work-based module can be taken to meet a student’s individual needs within the PG Cert in Specialist Ultrasound Practice. This option allows students to put together a personalized, proficiency based learning program. This may be suitable for an experienced sonographer extending proficiency in a specialist area. Alternatively this may be suitable for a clinician who wishes to utilize ultrasound imaging in their clinical practice.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Clinical Dermatology is a taught program for medical graduates wishing to specialize in dermatology. Students will gain clinical skills and knowledge of the scientific basis of clinical dermatology. They will develop practical training in laboratory sciences relevant to skin disease. The program also includes a critical evaluation of dermatological literature on a specialist subject.
For medical graduates wishing to specialize in dermatology. To provide a combination of clinical skills and knowledge of the scientific basis of dermatology, and a practical training in clinical dermatology and laboratory sciences relevant to skin disease.
The program provides opportunities for students, including those with limited experience of dermatology, to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the full range of disease that can affect the skin. Clinical exposure is complemented by lectures, seminars and conferences by members of the faculty and invited prominent speakers.
Core programme content
Please see the modules list for further information.
Indicative non-core content
Please see the modules list for further information.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
MSc Medical Immunology providing advanced training in basic and clinical immunology, including diagnostic technologies, laboratory management and research methodologies. Designed for career development in laboratory settings such as translational research; clinical practice as a Clinical Scientist; academia as a senior lecturer or professor, or as an NHS consultant.
To provide an integral part of scientific and medical training in immunology for clinical Specialty trainees, Grade A/B clinical scientist trainees in immunology, histocompatibility and immunogenetics, biomedical scientists, industrial partners and (overseas) research fellows; and greater awareness and knowledge of recent advances in the physiology of the immune system.
The programme covers basic molecular and cellular immunology; the role of immunological mechanisms in autoimmune, systemic inflammatory, hypersensitivity, infective, immunodeficiency and neoplastic disorders in which the immune system is involved, as well as clinical transplantation and clinical immunology laboratory management; and major laboratory techniques of diagnostic medical immunology.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
This part-time Rheumatology MSc aims to develop students’ understanding of the scientific basis and clinical practice in Rheumatology. The programme develops the capacity to understand and critically evaluate research findings, enhances communication and management skills and fosters a multidisciplinary approach to rheumatological care. Students are encouraged to publish work in peer-reviewed rheumatology journals.
To meet the needs of specialist training at pre-consultant level and development of nurses and allied health professionals. To develop the following: understanding of the scientific basis and clinical practice of rheumatology; understanding and critical evaluation of research; undertaking a systematic review, designing and conducting a research project; communication and management skills; the ethos of a multidisciplinary approach to rheumatological care.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Develop skills for the provision of safe, high quality nuclear medicine services through training with a strong scientific and academic framework in an approved structured service environment. The MSc and PG Dip are specifically designed for doctors with the PG Cert open to scientists, technologists, radiographers or nurses.
This programme develops skills for the provision of safe, high-quality nuclear medicine services by offering nuclear medicine training with a strong scientific and academic framework in an approved structured service environment.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Ph.D & D.Sc is available in all the specialties of Medical Science.
A high academic post graduate certificate in medicine/surgery, the Doctor of Medicine/Surgery is designed to give formal public recognition to scholars/ practitioners who have made substantial, original and outstanding contributions to medical science as evidenced by their experience/published work.
The MD/MS is a higher doctorate gained by the compilation of published research work on a coherent theme and is judged by national and international peers. It must demonstrate the candidate's authoritative standing in the field and achievements in the advancement of knowledge.
Presently PG Certificate is available in the following specializations:
- 1. Internal Medicine
- 2. OB & GYN
- 3. Dermatology
- 4. Paediatrics
- 5. Psychiatrist
- 6. Family Medicine
- 7. ENT
- 8. Bio-Chemistry
- 9. Micro-Biology
- 10. Nuclear Medicine
- 11. Physiology
- 12. Radio Diagnosis
- 13. General Surgery
- 14. Radiology
- 15. Ophthalmology
- 16. Orthopaedic
- 17. Anesthesiology
- 18. Chest Medicine
- 19. Anatomy
- 20. Skin & VD
- 21. Forensic Medicine & Medical Toxicology
- 22. Opthalmology
- 23. Pathology
- 24. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Victoria Global University's DM certification program is a part of the post-graduate CME activity. This certification is part of an endeavor to facilitate a hybrid mix of distance-learning combined with high quality contact programs/based on experience & research for surgeons throughout the world, helping make the pursuit of lifelong learning accessible and affordable.
VGU conducts post-graduate MD for candidates fulfilling the criteria towards this course and examination requirements. This foray in the DM certification program will fill a void for candidates wishing to validate their super specialty experience or undertake a specialized course of study or for physicians wishing to refresh and update their knowledge in a programmed manner.
We currently offer the following enriched, comprehensive, inter active and research based DM course:
- 1. Clinical Pharmacology
- 2. Clinical Haematology
- 3. Pulmonary Medicine
- 4. Pharmacovigilence
- 5. Nephrology
- 6. Neonatology
- 7. Gastroenterology
- 8. Infections Disease
- 9. Cardiology
- 10. Neurology
- 11. Endocronology
- 12. Immunology
- 13. Rheumatology
- 14. Pulmonary Med.& Critical Care Med.
- 15. Medical Genetics
- 16. Hepatology
- 17. Reproductice Medicine
- 18. Internal Medicine
- 19. Family Med
- 20. Virology
M.Ch (Magister Chirurgie) Victoria Global University's M.Ch certification program is a part of the post-graduate CME activity. This certification is part of an endeavor to facilitate a hybrid mix of distance-learning combined with high quality contact programs/based on experience & research for surgeons throughout the world, helping make the pursuit of lifelong learning accessible and affordable. Our aim and vision is to optimize patient care. To this end, this program is designed to provide the most up to date information and strategies for surgeons to be provided, encouraged and tested for delivering and encouraging the practice of evidence based medicine.
We currently offer the following enriched, comprehensive, inter active and research based M.Ch course:
Diploma/Post Graduated Diploma are available in the following specialities
Advanced Paediatrics:
Advanced Paediatrics is a multidisciplinary degree designed for doctors. Content is research and evidence-based and will give students a detailed understanding of research methods and statistics applied to child health, the ability to conduct methodologically robust research projects and advanced knowledge of the management processes.PURPOSE
This program is designed for all members of the multidisciplinary team working in Paediatrics, including experienced nurses at Band 6 and higher and medical trainees who are post MRCPCH, or are experienced clinical fellows with middle grade experience but not full membership. Overseas applicants are encouraged to apply. This program is suitable for aspiring clinical leaders and researchers in Paediatrics.
Core Modules
- Paediatric Research: Methods, Statistical Application & Governance
- Service Delivery & Management
- Clinical Leadership
- Ethics & Child Health
- Optional Modules
- International Child Health
- Medical Education
- Adolescent Healthcare
- Choice of one module from the following clinical areas
- Paediatric Cardiology
- Neonatology
- Paediatric Respiratory & Allergy
- Paediatric Hepatology, Renal & Gastroenterology
- Paediatric Critical Care
- Paediatric Infectious Disease
- Paediatric neurodisability & neuroerhabilitation
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation.
Advanced Care in Dementia:
Equips students with an interest in health & social care with the knowledge and high-level analytical skills needed to critically assess research evidence and practice for delivery of dementia care.
The MSc Advanced Care in Dementia aims to develop practitioners with the knowledge base, abilities and competencies, which will enable them to deliver high quality patient and client care. In completing the program students will be able to: 1) Advance practice within a framework of governance. 2) Evaluate and implement evidence-based practice, identifying where further research is needed. 3) Critically evaluate approaches and methods to assess and manage complex and unpredictable situations, utilizing relevant theory. This program is will be of interest to anyone wishing to begin or advance a career in dementia care and is particularly suitable for nurses, physiotherapists, managers & supervisors, doctors (including general practitioners), social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech & language therapists and physiotherapists.
Learning will be through five compulsory taught modules consisting of tutorials, workshops & e-learning and a dissertation based on a research project. Students will learn how to identify and critically evaluate the growing body of research evidence to inform and develop best dementia care practice using a person-centred approach.
Students will gain practical and theoretical experience in a wide spectrum of research methodologies and learn to critically analyse and reflect on evidence relevant to dementia care. Graduates will develop skills to manage and deliver research independently in a clinical setting and to identify and implement changes based on research evidence within a clinical setting.
Core program content
- Principle Methods of Healthcare Research
- Clinical Science of Dementia
- Evidence-based Decision Making in Health Care
- Care in Dementia
- Leadership & Change in Dementia Care
- Dissertation in Dementia Care Research.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation.
Advanced Neuroimaging:
This MSc is specifically aimed at those pursuing a professional career in neuroimaging, either in clinical practice or in neuroscience research. This multi-disciplinary program provides training in both the basic scientific and technological principles of modern neuroimaging methods, and in their application to the understanding of neurological function and neurological disorders.
Students will develop a good basic knowledge of neuroanatomy, understands the principles and main technical aspects of neuroimaging instrumentation and data acquisition, basic image processing and image analysis techniques, and gain a good working knowledge of modern methods of scientific and clinical investigation of the human nervous system using neuroimaging.
- Introductory Science and Methods
- Imaging Modalities
- Advanced Imaging
- Introduction to Neuroanatomy, Systems and Diseases
- Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging I
- Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging II
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation.
Cardiovascular Science
Cardiovascular diseases remain a major cause of death and ill health worldwide. This new MSc, taught by scientists and clinicians who are leaders in their field, offers students the opportunity to learn about topical areas in cardiovascular science, preparing them for further research or a career in industry.
Students will develop a detailed knowledge of molecular and cellular cardiovascular science, animal models of cardiovascular disease, microvascular biology and the mechanism by the heart and vasculature function in health and disease, as well as the statistical methodology. They gain valuable research skills and an awareness of the ethical, legal and social aspects of developments in cardiovascular disease.
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Animal Models of cardiovascular disease
- Microvascular Biology
- Heart and Circulation
- Basic Statistics for Medical Sciences
- Genetics of Cardiovascular Disease
- Clinical Application of Pharmacogenetics Test
- Drug Discovery II
- Clinical Cardiology
- Congenital Heart Disease: Fundamentals
- Congenital Heart Disease: Management
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation.
Clinical Neurology
This program offers the opportunity to obtain clinical competence in history taking/examination, diagnosis, investigation and formulation of management plan and therapeutics in common neurological areas/disorders. Students gain a working knowledge of the scientific basis of common neurological disorders/areas and awareness of major recent research developments in this field.
- Disease of nervous system: Epilepsy, Pain, Tumors and Infections
- Peripheral Nerve, Muscle and Special Case
- Motor System and Disease
- Higher Functions of the brain
- Practical Neurology
- Theoretical Neurology
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Clinical Neuroscience
This MSc provides specialised training in the basic scientific principles of modern neuroscience and in the application of these principles to the understanding of a wide variety of neurological disorders. Neuroscience includes any or all of the sciences dealing with the structure and function of the nervous system and brain.
Participants gain knowledge of the clinical features and scientific basis of the following: genetics of CNS disorders; brain metabolism, neurotransmitters and neurodegeneration; autoimmune disease and repair mechanism; peripheral nerve and muscle; epilepsy, nociception and pain; motor control; basal ganglia/movement disorders; hearing, balance, vision and eye-movements; stroke and head injury; cognition and dementia.
- Cellular and Molecular mechanisms of Disease
- Disease of nervous system: Epilepsy, Pain, Tumors and Infections
- Peripheral Nerve, Muscle and Special Case
- Motor System and Disease
- Higher Function of Brain
- Research Methods: Critical appraisal and introduction to Statics.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Clinical Ophthalmology
This MSc offers the highest-quality clinical ophthalmic teaching to compliment ST1/ST2 training. The programme provides targeted teaching to meet the requirements of the Royal College's FRCOphth Part 1 and Refraction Certificate, and accommodates the demanding clinical timetables of ophthalmic professionals through a flexible program of study.
The program enhances knowledge of common ocular disease, ophthalmic surgical and laser procedures, clinical anatomy and ocular therapeutics. Students develop analytical skills for solving clinical case problems and the critical evaluation of published research, and gain valuable research experience through the opportunity to undertake a clinical- library based dissertation.
- Basic Understanding of Eye
- Common Ocular Disease and Treatment
- Systemic Disease causing ocular Disease
- Surgery and the Eye
- Ocular Therapeutics I
- Ocular Therapeutics II
- Basic Science and Opthalmology
- Clinical Vascular Sciences
- Disorders affecting retinal Functions
- Retinal Imaging
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Advanced Practice (Diabetes Care)
For Medica professionals working with patients who have diabetes mellitus either in specialist or primary care settings to gain the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective care.
This master's in Advanced Practice aims to equip all health professionals working with patients who have diabetes mellitus either in specialist or primary care settings with the knowledge and skills they need to provide effective care.
DESCRIPTION This pathway is designed to equip all health professionals working with patients who have diabetes mellitus either in specialist or primary care settings with the knowledge and skills they need to provide effective care. The pathway will also provide training in research methods and the methods of evidence-based healthcare. Through this training you will produce a systematic review of a diabetes specific topic and undertake a substantial research or service development project relevant to your own area of practice. The pathway contains the specific modules.
- Measurement and Evaluation for Healthcare Practice
- Evidence Based Decision Making in Healthcare
- Diabetes care. Theoretical and Practical Aspects
- Dissertation.
Alternatively students may choose for their dissertation to undertake an in depth analysis of an area of policy or practice or to prepare three papers for publication.
Indicative non-core content
Students take optional modules that include
- Diabetes in Primary Care
- Diabetes Theoretical & Practical Aspects (for hospital-based practitioners)
- Psychological Problems & Treatment in Diabetes
- The Principles of Patient Education and Supporting Self-Management
- Intensive Insulin Therapy (including pump training).
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Aviation Medicine:
The aim of the Master's in Aviation Medicine is to provide physicians with comprehensive theoretical and practical instruction in advanced aviation physiology, psychology, pathology, clinical and operational aviation medicine and the knowledge and skills required to conduct research in the topic.
The aim of this MSc is to provide physicians with comprehensive theoretical and practical instruction in advanced aviation physiology, psychology, pathology, clinical and operational aviation medicine and the knowledge and skills required to conduct research in the topic.
- Aviation Physiology and Psychology
- Cardiovascular and respiratory physiology from rest to exhaustive exercise
- Clinical and Operational Aviation Medicine
- Library Project in Aviation Medicine
- Research Project in Aviation Medicine
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Medical Ultrasound
For radiographers, doctors, midwives, scientists and others wish to practice clinical ultrasound within their professional roles. Lectures are in block release, in conjunction with compulsory clinical placements. Underlying theory is integrated with practice ensuring performance of diagnostic ultrasound examinations (O&G; General Medical; Vascular; a student Negotiated topic) in accordance with accepted good practice.
This Ultrasound program is for radiographers, doctors, midwives, clinical scientists and other professionals wishing to practice clinical ultrasound. The program provides knowledge to enable integration of theoretical concepts with ultrasound proficiency.
The CASE accredited program facilitates the acquisition of the skills necessary for the use of ultrasound imaging in clinical practice. The development of clinical proficiency is therefore an integral part of the course.
Through an introduction to the physics, equipment, safety and relevant professional issues alongside clinical modules, students have the opportunity to understand current techniques and acquire proficiency in medical ultrasound. The clinical modules chosen may be obstetrics and gynaecology ultrasound, general medical ultrasound or vascular ultrasound. An individually negotiated work-based module can be taken to meet a student’s individual needs within the PG Cert in Specialist Ultrasound Practice. This option allows students to put together a personalized, proficiency based learning program. This may be suitable for an experienced sonographer extending proficiency in a specialist area. Alternatively this may be suitable for a clinician who wishes to utilize ultrasound imaging in their clinical practice.
- Fundamentals of Ultrasound Practice
- Research Methodology
- Research Project or Systematic Review
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ultrasound (Clinically assessed option)
- General Medical Ultrasound (Clinically assessed option)
- Vascular Ultrasound (Clinically assessed option – this may also be taken as part of the MSc Vascular Ultrasound)
- Negotiated Learning (Non-clinically assessed option)
- Negotiated Learning with Clinical Proficiency (Clinically assessed option).
- Please see the modules list for further information.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Clinical Dermatology is a taught program for medical graduates wishing to specialize in dermatology. Students will gain clinical skills and knowledge of the scientific basis of clinical dermatology. They will develop practical training in laboratory sciences relevant to skin disease. The program also includes a critical evaluation of dermatological literature on a specialist subject.
For medical graduates wishing to specialize in dermatology. To provide a combination of clinical skills and knowledge of the scientific basis of dermatology, and a practical training in clinical dermatology and laboratory sciences relevant to skin disease.
The program provides opportunities for students, including those with limited experience of dermatology, to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the full range of disease that can affect the skin. Clinical exposure is complemented by lectures, seminars and conferences by members of the faculty and invited prominent speakers.
Core programme content
Please see the modules list for further information.
Indicative non-core content
Please see the modules list for further information.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Medical Immunology:
MSc Medical Immunology providing advanced training in basic and clinical immunology, including diagnostic technologies, laboratory management and research methodologies. Designed for career development in laboratory settings such as translational research; clinical practice as a Clinical Scientist; academia as a senior lecturer or professor, or as an NHS consultant.
To provide an integral part of scientific and medical training in immunology for clinical Specialty trainees, Grade A/B clinical scientist trainees in immunology, histocompatibility and immunogenetics, biomedical scientists, industrial partners and (overseas) research fellows; and greater awareness and knowledge of recent advances in the physiology of the immune system.
The programme covers basic molecular and cellular immunology; the role of immunological mechanisms in autoimmune, systemic inflammatory, hypersensitivity, infective, immunodeficiency and neoplastic disorders in which the immune system is involved, as well as clinical transplantation and clinical immunology laboratory management; and major laboratory techniques of diagnostic medical immunology.
- Cellular Immunology
- Molecular Immunology
- Autoimmunity and Disease
- Autoimmune Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases
- Cancer and the Immune System
- Infection and Immunity
- Extrinsic Allergic Diseases
- Transplantation Immunology and Transfusion Medicine
- Immunodeficiency and Infection Control
- Immunodiagnosis Quality Control and Laboratory Management
- Immunology Research Project.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
This part-time Rheumatology MSc aims to develop students’ understanding of the scientific basis and clinical practice in Rheumatology. The programme develops the capacity to understand and critically evaluate research findings, enhances communication and management skills and fosters a multidisciplinary approach to rheumatological care. Students are encouraged to publish work in peer-reviewed rheumatology journals.
To meet the needs of specialist training at pre-consultant level and development of nurses and allied health professionals. To develop the following: understanding of the scientific basis and clinical practice of rheumatology; understanding and critical evaluation of research; undertaking a systematic review, designing and conducting a research project; communication and management skills; the ethos of a multidisciplinary approach to rheumatological care.
- Basic Concepts
- Clinical & Molecular Genetics
- Cell Biology
- Basic Immunology & Autoimmunity Immunology
- The Neuroendocrine System & its Relevance to Rheumatology
- Haematology; Radiological Sciences & their application to Rheumatic Disease
- Laboratory Techniques in Diagnosis
- The Scientific Basis of Clinical Rheumatological Practice
- Specific Rheumatological Diseases
- Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Non-drug Therapies
- Psycho-social and Economic Aspects of Rheumatoid Diseases Management Methods.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation
Nuclear Medicine: Science & Practice
Develop skills for the provision of safe, high quality nuclear medicine services through training with a strong scientific and academic framework in an approved structured service environment. The MSc and PG Dip are specifically designed for doctors with the PG Cert open to scientists, technologists, radiographers or nurses.
This programme develops skills for the provision of safe, high-quality nuclear medicine services by offering nuclear medicine training with a strong scientific and academic framework in an approved structured service environment.
- Clinical Practice
- Radiopharmaceutical & Regulatory Issues.
- Scientific Basis
- Diagnostic Nuclear Oncology & Radionuclide Therapy
- Practical
- Research.
Assessment methods include: essay; case summary; group presentation; reflective summary; report; online tasks; portfolio; dissertation

Ph.D & D.Sc are available in every specialization of Medical Science/ Dental Science.