Ph.D & D.Sc is available in all the specialties of Medical Science.
About the course
Paramedic Practice is an exciting and challenging course that offers you the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills required to work as a paramedic.
The programme aims to develop articulate and confident paramedics who are able to make evidence-based professional judgements and deliver best practice to patients and their families.
We aim to provide students with the support and environment to develop personally and professionally in order to meet the needs of modern Paramedic practice.
Where do paramedics work?
Paramedics work in front line emergency ambulances, rapid response units, helicopters and at high-risk public events such as motor sports to provide urgent medical and accident care.
Increasingly, paramedics are being called on to treat non-acute illness and injury (primary healthcare.
Attributes of a Paramedic
Paramedics must be dynamic and able to think on their feet. They work in unpredictable, isolated and sometimes hostile environments with limited resources.
A good paramedic is empathetic and understanding. They often deal with people in their darkest hour and must be capable of managing serious injury, death and grief.
Ph.D & D.Sc is available in all the specialties of Medical Science.
About the course
Paramedic Practice is an exciting and challenging course that offers you the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills required to work as a paramedic.
The programme aims to develop articulate and confident paramedics who are able to make evidence-based professional judgements and deliver best practice to patients and their families.
We aim to provide students with the support and environment to develop personally and professionally in order to meet the needs of modern Paramedic practice.
Where do paramedics work?
Paramedics work in front line emergency ambulances, rapid response units, helicopters and at high-risk public events such as motor sports to provide urgent medical and accident care.
Increasingly, paramedics are being called on to treat non-acute illness and injury (primary healthcare.
Attributes of a Paramedic
Paramedics must be dynamic and able to think on their feet. They work in unpredictable, isolated and sometimes hostile environments with limited resources.
A good paramedic is empathetic and understanding. They often deal with people in their darkest hour and must be capable of managing serious injury, death and grief.
Master of Pharmacy (M. Pharma) in Pharmacology/ Pharmaceutics / Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharmacognosy/ Clinical Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Bio-technology |
Master of Science in (Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Bioinformatics/ Cheminformatics/Hospital Management / Human Nutrition / Medical laboratory Technology / Occupational Therapy / Radiology & Imaging Technology/Biotech/ Bioinformatics/ Medical Microbiology/ Biological Science/ Industrial Biotechnology/ Statistics) |
Master in Physiotherapy in Orthopedics/ Neurological Science/ Cardiopulmonary Science/ Community Based Rehabilitation/ Pediatrics/ Sport |
Master of Science in Medical Transcription |
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharma) *** |
Bachelor in Physiotherapy |
Bachelor of Science in (Hospital Management / Human Nutrition / Medical laboratory Technology / Occupational Therapy / Radiology & Imaging Technology/Biotech/ Bioinformatics/ Medical Microbiology/ Biological Science/Optometry) |
Diploma in Pharmacy |
Diploma in (Health Care & Services / Nutrition & Dietics / Pharma Sales / Health Information Technology / Hospital Mgt / Homeopathic Pharmacy / Ayurvedic Pharmacy / Dental Tech. / Live Stone & veterinary science / X-Ray Technician / Industrial Safety / Industrial Safety & Fire / Fire Safety / Speech & Hearing / Dental Technician & Hygiene / Optometry / Refraction Optometry / Ayurvedic Compounder / Medical Lab Technology (MLT) / Operation Theater Technology (OTT) / Ultra Sound Technology (UST) / X-Ray Radiology Technology (X-RAY RT) ) |

Ph.D & D.Sc are available in every specialization of Medical Science/ Dental Science.